Id | Family Code | Zone Name | Native City | Mosad City | Father Name | GrandFather Name | Mother Name | HeadPerson Of Family | Phone No Office | Phone No Home | Date | Head Image | Address | Town | Taluko | District | City PinCode | |
137 | 134 | Netrang | Rajpardi | Rajpardi | Doshi Mahendrabhai Prahladbhai | Doshi Prahladbhai Ratanlal | Doshi Induben Mahendrabhai | Doshi Ripalkumar Mahendrabhai | 9687888828 | 9662059300 | Sept. 16, 2020, 8:34 a.m. | Jawahar Bazar, Netrang | Netrang | Netrang | 393130 | Rajpardi |
Member Id | Member Name | Member Family Code | Member Relation to Head | Birth Date | Study | Profession | Marital Status | Blood Group | Phone No | Gender | Action |
565 | Doshi Ripalkumar Mahendrabhai | 134 | Self | April 9, 1982 | B.A. | Talati Service | Married | 9662059300 | Male | No Action | |
566 | Doshi Dimpalben Ripalkumar | 134 | Wife | Oct. 27, 1986 | - | Housewife | Married | FeMale | No Action | ||
567 | Doshi Induben Mahendrabhai | 134 | Mother | Nov. 17, 1964 | 8th Std | Retired | Widowed | FeMale | No Action | ||
568 | Doshi Jaiminkumar Ripalbhai | 134 | Son | Jan. 26, 2009 | 5th Std | Studying | UnMarried | Male | No Action | ||
569 | Doshi Janvi Ripalbhai | 134 | Daughter | Sept. 20, 2010 | 4th Std | Studying | UnMarried | FeMale | No Action | ||
570 | Doshi Vishalkumar Mahendrabhai | 134 | Brother | May 10, 1986 | B.A. | Business | UnMarried | 9687888828 | Male | No Action |